7 Awesome Calcium-Rich Foods for Stronger Bones

By: Payal

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Calcium is key for strong bones, and these foods are packed with it. Adding them to your diet can make your bones happy and healthy!

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1. Banana

Bananas aren't just great for digestion; they also help keep your bones strong. They're loaded with magnesium & essential vitamins that support bone structure.

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2. Dairy Products

Dairy products are calcium powerhouses! Think milk, cheese, and yogurt. Opt for low-fat versions to keep things healthy.

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3. Leafy Green Vegetables

Pack your plate with leafy greens like spinach & fenugreek. They're full of calcium & nutrients like vitamin K, which is good for bone health.

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4. Fish

Choose dishes that can be cooked quickly. Opt for recipes that are simple and require fewer techniques and save time in the kitchen.

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5. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are super sources of calcium. But remember, they're high in fats, so enjoy them in moderation.

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6. Beans

Beans are nutrient powerhouses with magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, all of which boost bone health.

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7. Orange

Oranges offer a calcium and vitamin D combo that's great for your bones. Enjoy them as a fruit or a glass of juice.

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