7 Cheat Meals That Can Be Made Healthier

By: Neha Grover

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Turn your cheat day guilt-free. Enjoy healthier versions of your favourite junk foods—delicious, satisfying, and better for your health.

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1. Sweet Potato Fries

Craving fries? Opt for baked sweet potato fries instead of greasy, calorie-heavy versions, which are crispy, tasty, and much healthier!

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2.  Roasted Vegetable Chips

Swap out greasy potato chips for baked ragi, beetroot or kale chips. They're crunchy and pair perfectly with a healthy sandwich. 

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3. Dark Chocolate

Choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate. It's lower in calories, richer in nutrients, and versatile for muffins, cakes, and smoothies.

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4. Frozen Greek Yogurt

Try frozen Greek yoghurt as a lighter ice cream alternative. It's lower in fat, has fewer calories, and is packed with essential nutrients. 

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5. Banana Bread

Replace cakes with banana bread made from whole wheat flour. It's lower in fat and calories, and just as delicious!

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6. Protein-Rich Chaat

Make a protein-packed chaat with protein-rich foods like chickpeas. It's tasty, nutritious, and perfect for a healthy cheat meal.

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7. Whole Wheat Pizza and Burger

Enjoy whole wheat pizza and burgers. They're healthier alternatives that still offer the satisfying flavours you love.

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Tips To Curb Junk Food Addiction:

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