7 Foods To Unlock The Benefits Of Probiotics

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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Probiotics are tiny microorganisms that do wonders for digestion, immunity, and heart health. Are you curious about foods that are loaded with these gut-friendly bugs? Here's a lineup:

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1. Yoghurt

Yoghurt is hands down one of the easiest natural probiotics out there. Eat it plain, mix it with fruit, or toss in some crunchy granola.

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2. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese (good ol' paneer!) is another probiotic-packed option. Have it raw, toss it into a salad, or cook it up in your favourite curry.

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3. Kimchi

This Korean classic is a fermented mix of cabbage, radish, and scallions. Loaded with probiotics, it's perfect for your gut health.

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4. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is finely shredded cabbage that's been fermented. It's got a tangy, salty kick and is a staple in German dishes.

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5. Tempeh

Tempeh is a firm patty made from fermented soybeans. If you're looking for something that's both probiotic and packed with protein, tempeh is your answer.

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6. Kombucha

This fizzy drink made from fermented black or green tea is popular in Asia. It's packed with probiotics thanks to the mix of bacteria and yeast.

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7. Natto

Another fermented soybean product, natto is a staple in Japanese cooking. Usually served with rice, it's a slimy, sticky dish.

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Want to know the difference between probiotics and prebiotics? Click here.

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