7 Hacks To Prevent Milk From Turning Sour

By: Neha Grover

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1. Keep Milk Cold

Always store milk in the fridge at or below 4 degrees C to slow bacterial growth and extend freshness.

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2. Seal Properly

Use an airtight container or tightly seal the milk carton to prevent exposure to air, which accelerates spoilage.

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3. Avoid Cross-Contamination

Never use dirty utensils or hands when handling milk. This prevents the introduction of bacteria that can cause it to sour faster.

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4. Boil It

Boiling milk kills the bacteria present in it and lengthens its shelf life, preventing it from turning sour sooner.

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5. Use Clean Containers

Transfer milk to clean, sterilized containers if necessary. Residues in old containers can cause the milk to spoil

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6. Check Expiry Dates

Always check the expiration date before purchasing or using milk. Consuming it by this date ensures the best quality.

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7. Buy Smaller Quantities

Purchase milk in smaller amounts that can be consumed within a few days, reducing the risk of spoilage.

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Safety Practices When Handling Milk:

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