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7 Harmful Effects of Aerated Drinks

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Aerated drinks or carbonated beverages are characterized by their carbonation, which gives them a fizzy and bubbly texture. However, they pose potential health hazards

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Aerated drinks are high in sugar and calories. Regular consumption can lead to weight gain due to the excess calories being stored as fat in the body

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The high sugar content in these drinks can contribute to insulin resistance and an increased risk of developing Type-2 diabetes over time

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The acids and sugars in aerated drinks can erode tooth enamel leading to tooth decay, cavities and less resistant to germs

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Phosphoric acid in many soft drinks can interfere with calcium absorption weakening bones and contributing to conditions like osteoporosis

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Regular consumption of sugary drinks leads to an increased risk of heart disease, obesity and cardiovascular problems

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Excessive sugar and caffeine intake from aerated drinks can lead to mood swings and anxiety. The caffeine dependence can lead  to disrupted sleep patterns

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High levels of phosphoric acid in soft drinks can contribute to kidney stone formation and other kidney issues

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