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7 Health Benefits Of Mushroom Soup

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Mushroom soup is healthy and nutritious. It serves as a liquid/semi-liquid diet, which has many vital health benefits

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Mushroom soup contains low calorie, no cholesterol and no fat. This makes it suitable for those into weight management

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The dietary fiber found in mushrooms  contribute to good digestion and gut health

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Mushrooms are a good source of Vitamins (riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid). They also contain minerals (selenium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, zinc and manganese)

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Mushrooms are easily digestible. Being a source of Vit B, it is good for pregnant women and for the healthy development of baby's nervous system and red blood cells

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Mushrooms like shiitake and maitake contain compounds that enhances immune function, protect against damage from aging and makes our immune strong

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Bioactive compounds, such as beta-glucans, in mushrooms have anti-inflammatory properties

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Potassium and selenium content in mushrooms help regulate blood pressure and support cardiovascular health by controlling the nervous system

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