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7 Steps To Make A Perfect Smoothie

Pulpy Beverage

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Start off with those fresh fruit/s you just picked up from the farmer's market. You'll just need to add plenty of ice if you like it chilled

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To make it healthy, you can add some protein like nuts, yoghurt etc. This way, it can serve as your pre-workout drink

Heading 3

Power Packed

Your Go-To Liquid

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Picking the liquid base for your smoothie is so much fun! You can add soy milk, almond milk etc, or orange juice, depending on your preference

Hale & Hearty

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Adding healthy fats to your smoothie is an easy way to upgrade your breakfast or snack. You can add avocado, almond butter or peanut butter

Sweet Additions

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To make your smoothie tastier, add either honey, maple syrup, jaggery or vanilla essence. These also come with some nutrients

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Once you have added all the required ingredients, blend it until it reaches your desired consistency

Mix And Whisk

Top It Up

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To make your smoothie appetizing, add some toppings of your choice, and you will be good to relish it!

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