fruit, guava

7 Vitamin C Winter Fruits For Immunity

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Our immunity tends to take a dip during winter and instances of cold and flu become common. Fortunately, we have many seasonal fruits that may help combat the infections.



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Touted as one of the richest sources of vitamin C, orange is a potent package of a variety of antioxidants. Tuck into them raw or juice them, the choice is yours!



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Soft and mildly sweet guavas are also back in season. In addition to Vitamin C, guavas are also a good source of potassium, calcium, phosphorous and fibre.


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These juicy, bite-sized fruits come in different colours, and it is recommended that we have them all for a variety of antioxidants.


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This fuzzy fruit with vibrant green flesh has a lovely tarty taste. Kiwi is one of our salad staples for obvious reasons; what about you?

Sweet Lime

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Sweet lime or mosambi belongs to the family of oranges. The citrus fruit also boasts of an enviable nutritional profile, particularly when it comes to vitamin C content.


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An apple a day can keep a host of infections at bay. Look out for the particularly red and crunchy ones that are available only during this season.


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These juicy red pearls are a powerhouse of nutrients, known to fight bacteria and viruses. Sprinkle over some chaat masala or rock salt, and munch away.

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