8 Tips To Make You A Better Cook

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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What separates a regular cook from a pro chef? Here are some super basic yet important tips to help you sharpen your cooking skills.

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1. Keep Your Kitchen Clean

From kitchen slab to stove to utensils, it is important to work in a clean kitchen. Keep clearing as you cook to avoid a messy kitchen.

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2. Keep Things Organized

Everything in your kitchen should have a designated place. This will help save a lot of time and you will have a smooth cooking experience.

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3. Stock All Daily Items

Keep an eye on your pantry and make sure all daily items like veggies, milk, spices, oil, and flour are always available.

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4. Use Efficient Equipment

Using worn-out or inefficient kitchen tools and equipment can poorly impact your food and extend your cooking time.

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5. Take Cooking Classes

To keep growing any skill, you should always be learning. Watch online videos or attend live cooking classes to go to another level as a cook.

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6. Use Fresh Ingredients

Always use fresh and good quality ingredients to make delicious and nutritious food. Make it a ground rule.

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7. Experiment With Recipes

If you know the basic recipes, it is time to set yourself apart by experimenting with new flavours and cuisines.

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8. Practice Makes Perfect

Just reading more tips will not get you there. To become a pro, you have to show up every day, make new mistakes and enjoy the process.

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For More Cooking Tips And Tricks, Click Here

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