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Benefits Of Eating Bananas 

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A banana is one of the most popular fruits and is easily available. The fruit is botanically a berry. It can be consumed raw as well as in ripe form

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The fruit is not just tasty, it also has many health benefits. It contains several vitamins and minerals. Doctors recommend people to eat one or two bananas daily

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Bananas improve digestion as they are rich in soluble and insoluble fibers. They also protect stomach lining from ulcers

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Bananas are good for heart. The fruit has high potassium, low sodium content which is why it helps in protecting our cardiovascular system

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Bananas are rich in potassium. Hence, the fruit helps in keeping our kidneys clean and healthy

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 Bananas also help in fighting against anaemia. Anaemia-induced fatigue and paleness may reduce as the fruit has high folate content

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