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Calcium-Rich Food To Delay Osteoporosis

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Milk and dairy products are concentrated calcium sources. The presence of calcium in it fortifies bones and prevents osteoporosis

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Green leafy veggies are excellent source of nutrients. They are good for bones as they are high in calcium and Vitamins A, C and K

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Nuts and seeds are a good sources of healthy fats, protein, and nutrients. Almonds, sunflower seeds, and pistachios are the best sources of calcium and magnesium

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Asparagus is the best for bone health. One cup of asparagus contains 70 per cent of the daily recommended need for Vitamin K

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Figs and plums also boosts bone health. Figs are a good source of both calcium and potassium, whereas plums are rich in a variety of vitamins and calcium

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Tofu has high calcium content and protein. It helps increase calcium absorption and prevents osteoporosis

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The presence of Vitamin D in eggs help the bones stay strong. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption

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Salmon and other types of fatty fish offer an array of bone-boosting nutrients. They help absorb calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids

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