How To Clean Kitchen Using Curry Leaves

By: Nikita Nikhil

Image Credit: iStock

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Curry leaves aren't just great for food, they also come in handy in kitchen cleaning. The fresh scent and antibacterial properties make them perfect for it. Here's how to use them.

1. Deodorize Kitchen Drains

Boil some curry leaves in water and pour it down the drain. This natural solution removes bad odours and leaves your kitchen smelling fresh.

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2. Clean Greasy Stovetops

Make a paste by crushing curry leaves with water. Apply it on greasy stovetops, scrub gently, and clean the grease! Plus, enjoy the fresh scent.

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3. Remove Fridge Odors

Just place a few curry leaves in a small container in your fridge. Their natural scent absorbs bad food odours, leaving your fridge smelling fresh.

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4. Polish Stainless Steel

Make water infused with curry leaves to polish stainless steel surfaces like sinks and gadgets. This solution will add shine and remove dirt.

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5. Keep Ants Away

Crush and sprinkle dried curry leaves near kitchen counters or food storage places. Their strong smell helps keep ants and other pests at bay.

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For more kitchen cleaning hacks, click here:

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