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Delayed Periods?
Try These Drinks!

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Delayed periods is a very common health problem. Its causes can be from hormonal imbalances to serious
medical conditions 

A regular menstrual cycle occurs after 28 to 35 days. An irregular period is when it does not start even after 35 days

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There are some easy home remedies that can help regularise your menstrual cycle. Some drinks prove very beneficial in this

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Ginger tea helps in contracting uterine muscles and facilitates hormonal balance. Drink it in the morning when you wake up 

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Turmeric is another good home remedy. Have it with warm milk and honey daily to regularise your period pattern   

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Aloe Vera juice is an excellent remedy to normalise your menstrual cycle. It increases uterine contractions 

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Cinnamon helps regulate blood flow to the uterus. Add it to a glass of milk and drink it to treat irregular periods

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