Tips To Make Spongy Dhoklas Every Time

By: Nikita Nikhil

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We all love soft and spongy dhoklas but making them at home can be tricky. Not anymore! These tips will ensure you get fluffy dhoklas easily. Here's what to keep in mind.

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1. Use Fresh Ingredients

Always use fresh ingredients, especially besan and baking soda. This will help you get a fluffy, spongy texture. Check the expiry date before use.

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2. Perfect The Batter

Make sure the batter is smooth, lump-free, and not too thick or too runny. This will make the batter rise easily and ensure even steaming.

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3. Use Baking Soda

Add baking soda into the batter right before pouring it into the steamer. This will ensure a good rise and spongy texture without flattening the batter.

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4. Steam Over Medium Heat

Medium gas heat will ensure even cooking without over-drying. Too high or too low can make dhoklas soggy or dense.

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5. Cool It Before Slicing

Let the dhokla rest for a few minutes after steaming. This prevents it from breaking apart and keeps it soft and spongy while slicing.

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For an easy Khaman Dhokla recipe, click here:

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