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Different Breads You Should Try

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Around the world, bread is an important part of diet. There are different types and each type has its own unique flavour, texture, and nutritional value

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White bread is the most common one. It has a mild flavour and is light in colour. It is made from wheat flour

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Rye bread is made with rye flour. It comes in light, medium and dark varieties. It has a dense texture and a distinctively sour taste

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Sourdough bread is made via a long fermentation process using natural yeasts and lactobacilli. It has an intense tangy flavour, a crisp exterior and a fluffy interior

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Multigrain bread is made from at least two different grains. It is healthiest when it contains whole grains. It has a slightly sweet taste

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Baguette is made with white wheat flour, water, yeast, and salt. It is long and thin, crunchy on the outside, and soft and airy on the inside

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Challah is a traditional Jewish bread made of flour, sugar, oil, eggs, and yeast. It has a slightly sweet flavour and a soft, fluffy texture

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Bagel is a round bread made from high-gluten flour, salt, water, yeast and malt. It has a glossy exterior

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