Easy Tips To Clean Your Masala Box

By: Vaishali Kapila

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A masala box is the heart of every Indian kitchen, but it can quickly become a hub for grime and bacteria. Clean yours with these five simple tips.

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1. Rinse With Warm Water

Rinsing the masala box with warm water helps loosen spice residue and remove dust. If it's a wooden box, avoid using too much water.

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2. Use A Mild Soap

Apply a small amount of mild soap to clean each compartment gently. Soak it in water for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

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3. Use Vinegar

For stubborn stains, wipe the compartments with a mixture of vinegar and water to neutralize them. This trick works like magic!

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4. Use A Soft Sponge

Scrub the masala box gently with a soft sponge dipped in soap. Once you've scrubbed it nicely, rinse with warm water and pat dry.

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5. Let It Dry

Dry the masala box completely before refilling to prevent moisture buildup that could spoil your spices. This will keep them fresh!

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