Easy Tips To Clean Your Wooden Rolling Pin (Belan)

By: Payal

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Your rolling pin (or belan) is a must-have for making perfectly round chapatis. But let's be real - cleaning it can be a bit of a pain. Here are some easy tips to keep your belan spotless.

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1. Wash With Warm Water

First, scrape off any leftover bits of dough. Then, soak your belan in a large bowl of warm water for about 20 minutes. After that, rinse it well.

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2. Vinegar Solution

Got some extra vinegar lying around? Mix it with warm water, and soak your rolling pin in the solution. After a little time, it'll be sparkling clean, like the day you bought it.

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3. Baking Soda And Water

Fill a container with water and stir in a teaspoon of baking soda. Let your belan soak in the mix, then scrub it with a soft sponge. Rinse, dry, done!

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4. Dish Soap And Warm Water

Combine a little liquid dish soap with warm water in a bowl. Let the rolling pin soak for 5 mins, then scrub it down, rinse, & say goodbye to the grime.

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5. Lemon Juice And Water

Squeeze some fresh lemon juice into warm water, and let your belan soak. The natural antibacterial properties of lemons make cleaning a breeze while leaving it fresh and clean.

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