Easy Tips To Make Perfect Masala Idli

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Masala idli is among the most loved varieties of idlis out there. If you struggle to make them at home, here are some easy tips that'll help you make them perfectly. 

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1. Use The Right Rice

Always use parboiled rice while making masala idli. Also known as ukda chawal, this variety of rice ensures your idlis turn out soft.

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2. Allow Batter To Ferment

Once your batter is ready, allow it to rest for some time. This resting period will allow the batter to aerate, giving you perfect results.

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3. Use Fresh Spices

The fresher the spices you use, the more flavourful your masala idlis will be. It's best to make them from scratch at home.

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4. Steam Properly 

Steam the idlis on medium heat for about 10-12 minutes. Avoid opening the steamer lid frequently to maintain consistent steam. 

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5. Tempering

For the tempering, heat oil along with curry leaves and dried red chillies. Pour this over the idlis once they are ready and enjoy!

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For the complete recipe for masala idli

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