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Eco-Friendly Cooking Tips

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Purchase multipurpose cookwares and go for designs with tight fitting lids so that very little heat energy escapes

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Ditch the huge supermarkets. Shop and support the local farmers and shopkeepers with fresh vegetables and ingredients

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Any food wastage can easily be avoided in a huge or a nuclear family, if you plan meals in advance and shop accordingly

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Cook in bulk on some occasions, as it will save the extra energy, heat and some ingredients

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Dustbin is not the place for leftovers. Use them creatively and make the most of your leftovers

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To maintain an eco-friendly habit, use aluminum foils consciously and creatively. Rinse and reuse

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Eating a seasonal produce is not just healthy for us but also is alot better for the planet

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To save on some energy, try to cook or bake on residual heat. Turn off the burner a little before the recipe indicates

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