Expert-Suggested Diet Tips For Monsoon

By: Somdatta Saha

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Protecting digestive health in monsoon is important because 70% of our immune system is in the gut. Hence, consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta shared some diet tips to follow.

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1. Eat Small Meals

Eat light small meals more often rather than large meals. It will keep you energised and provide the nourishment needed.

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2. Start With Detox Drink

One tsp of any spice soaked overnight and boiled in the morning, is a good way to start the day and stimulate digestion.

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3. Add Whole Grains

Their high fibre content helps with slow and sustained energy release keeping up the energy levels and good digestion.

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4. Fermented Foods

The live bacteria have been proven to help maintain the integrity of our intestines, improving the immunity.

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5. Low Fructose Fruits

Low fructose fruits are more suited for this weather. Banana also contains inulin which helps with the growth of good bacteria.

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Find here more such monsoon diet tips

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