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Food Items For Gluten-Free Diet

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Quinoa is the best alternative for a gluten-free diet. It is a nutritionally dense whole grain with high amount of antioxidants

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Rice in it's natural form is gluten-free. Brown rice in particular helps in maintaining bone health, when on gluten-free diet

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Millet is a natural gluten-free grain. It can be used as a whole seed or for baking purposes as well

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Apples are also naturally gluten-free. It is a safe and healthy option for those on a strict gluten-free diet

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Peaches do not contain gluten proteins. They are composed of water, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals

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Mushroom is naturally gluten-free. At the same time, it is also sodium and cholesterol free

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Carrot is a safe option when on a gluten-free diet. It is also safe for patients with celiac and other gluten-related disorders

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Nuts in their pure form are gluten-free.  This includes peanuts, almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts, walnuts, pine nuts, cashews, and Brazil nuts

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