7 Foods That Should Never Be Refrigerated

By: Neha Grover

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Refrigerating some foods can affect their taste, texture, and nutritional value. Here are seven foods you should never store in the fridge.

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1. Garlic

Storing garlic in the fridge encourages mould growth and sprouting due to high humidity, which can lead to the production of toxic mycotoxins.

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2. Onion

Cold temperatures cause onions to grow mould. Storing cut onions in the fridge can also lead to bacteria absorption, making them unsafe to eat.

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3. Ginger

Refrigerating ginger promotes mould growth, which has been linked to kidney, and liver issues, and compromised immunity according to various studies.

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4. Cooked Rice

Cooked rice is prone to mould and can increase starch levels, impacting cholesterol and blood sugar. Reheat thoroughly before consuming.

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5. Potatoes

Refrigerating unpeeled potatoes converts starch to sugar, which can produce harmful chemicals when cooked at high temperatures.

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6. Oil

Refrigeration solidifies oils like olive or coconut, turning their texture buttery and unpalatable. Store oils in a cool, shaded pantry instead.

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7. Bread

Refrigeration accelerates bread staling, turning it chewy and hard. Keep bread at room temperature for optimal freshness.

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 Easy Tips For Cleaning Refrigerator

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