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Foods That Trigger Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is common among all age groups. It causes abdomen discomfort and can be painful. Hence some foods must be avoid

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Garlic and Onion contain high fluctuant level, which can be hard for intestine to digest. This results in acidity

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Raw broccoli, cabbage, sprouts etc can trigger IBS. However, their consumption in cooked form is easily digestible

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High amounts of fat, sugar, lactose and caffeine in chocolate items like bars, candies and cakes can lead to constipation

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Overeating of packaged foods, frozen meals and energy bars not just triggers IBS, but leads to obesity as well

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Beans contain oligosacucharides that are digestion-resistant and can cause gas, bloating, stomach ache etc

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Those who feel milk products trigger IBS, can resort to alternatives such as coconut, almond or plant-based milk

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Caffeinated drinks and alcohols dehydrate body. Sugar and gluten in them can disrupt digestion process and lead to IBS

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