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Foods To Boost Body's Keratin Levels

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Eggs are rich in protein and a great source of biotin, which is an essential nutrient involved in keratin synthesis

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Onions are one of the best alternatives for boosting keratin levels as they contain
N-acetylcysteine, a plant-based antioxidant

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Spinach is full of nutrients, essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. It is also rich in Vitamin A, C and E

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Avocado also boosts keratin production. It is a good source of Vitamin E,
biotin, and healthy fats

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Dark chocolate is another keratin rich food. It is rich in iron, magnesium, and copper best for skin, hair, and nails

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Salmon is rich in protein. It's also an excellent source of biotin, another key nutrient that supports keratin production

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One of the best options for keratin-rich foods is beta-carotene-rich carrots. Cooked carrots deliver 9.7 mg of keratin per cup

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Kale contains provitamin A, which gets transformed into Vitamin A (essential for the synthesis of keratin)

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