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Foods To Lower
 Uric Acid Levels

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Uric acid is a waste product of the metabolic breakdown of purine in the body. Purines are found in meats and fish. Elevated uric acid level in the blood is called Hyperuricemia

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The Catechin in green tea helps control uric acid level in the body. It also reduces the production of enzymes related to uric acid formation

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Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid which not only helps in neutralizing uric acid but also removes them. It also increases pH level in the blood

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Fiber-rich foods help in absorbing uric acid in the blood stream and also eliminating excess of them from the body

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Stay hydrated as water works well in flushing out harmful toxins from the body, including excessive uric acid

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Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, flax seeds can help in reducing inflammation and swelling in the joints caused by uric acid

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Berries are a rich source of anthocyanins that work amazingly in neutralizing the acid level in the body and also prevent inflammation

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