Fruits That Can Help Detox Your Body

By: Payal

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Detoxing is basically just getting rid of the junk your body doesn't need. Adding some seasonal fruits to your diet. Here are 6 fruits that'll help you feel fresher & lighter.

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1. Apple

Apples are packed with vitamins, fibre, & minerals. Plus, they've got phytochemicals & pectin that make detoxing easier. Oh, and they're great for digestion too!

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2. Lemon

Lemons (and all citrus fruits) are pretty much detox champs. They're loaded with vitamin C and help cleanse your system while tackling stomach issues.

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3. Berries

To get the most out of berries, crush them up a bit to release all the good stuff. You can mix them with your oats for an extra detox boost!

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4. Pineapple

Pineapples are full of bromelain, which helps break down proteins and aids digestion. Always go for fresh pineapple to keep things clean inside.

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5. Papaya

Papaya has an enzyme called papain that helps break down protein and makes digestion smoother.

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6. Pomegranate

Packed with vitamin C and fibre, pomegranates also keep your heart happy and help balance your cholesterol levels.

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