Fun Beer Facts You Did Not Know

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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There is nothing more relaxing than a mug of chilled beer on a hot summer day. Here is some fascinating trivia for all beer lovers.

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Beer Fact #1

Beer is one of the oldest beverages produced. The discovery of brewing beer has been traced to the period of the Sumerians around 4,000 BCE.

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Beer Fact #2

It is believed that the first brewers were women. For most of recorded human history, women have been supplying the world's beer.

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Beer Fact #3

Beer is the most widely consumed alcoholic drink in the world, and is the third-most consumed drink overall, after water and tea.

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Beer Fact #4

The oldest working brewery is Weihenstephan Abbey in Germany. Operating for nearly 1000 years, it was founded in the 8th century AD.

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Beer Fact #5

There are believed to be over 100 different beer styles in the world, including all the major beer styles and all of their sub-styles.

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For Different Beers Types For All Occasions, Click Here

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