How To Make Hari Mirch Ka Achaar

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Hari mirch ka achaar is a tangy pickle that adds a fiery kick to your meals. Want to know how to make it? Here's an easy recipe made with simple ingredients for an authentic taste!

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You need 1 kg hari mirch, ½ L mustard oil, 200 gm ginger, 250 gm garlic, 1 cup sugar, 200 gm imli, and 3 cups white vinegar.

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Ingredients (Spices):

For seasoning the pickle, you need 1 cup salt, 1 tbsp lal mirch powder, 1 tbsp haldi, 200 gm mustard seeds, 100 gm jeera. 

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1. Prepare Hari Mirch

Wash and chop hari mirch, then mix with salt. Spread on a cloth and let it dry under the sun for a day to remove all kinds of moisture.

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2. Prepare Imli

Take some imli and then soak it in the vinegar for at least two hours. Once it softens, extract the pulp and keep it aside.

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3. Cook Spices

Heat mustard oil until it smokes and then add jeera, haldi, mustard seeds and lal mirch powder. Then add ginger, garlic and sugar as well.

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4. Mix Ingredients

Put the salted hari mirch in a container and add the spiced oil to it. Mix well so that it is well coated. Cook on low heat for 10-15 mins.

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5. Serve

Let the achaar cool down for a bit. Transfer it to an airtight container and serve this delicious pickle with your daily meals.

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For more mirch achaar recipes, click here:

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