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Health Benefits
Of Jamun

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This dark purple-coloured skin fruit is rich in Vitamin C and minerals. It is especially good for people with oily skin 

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The Vitamin C in jamun works wonders on skin. It improves hemoglobin count, purifies the blood, and treats dark spots and pigementation 

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The antioxidants and flavonoids in jamun leaves skin soft and glowing. Its 
inflammatory properties help in proper functioning of our digestive system 

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Jamun is often called the 'miracle fruit' for diabetes. Its leaves and seeds help in increasing insulin production

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Jamun's dietary fibers and antioxidants not only control cholesterol level but also protect from cardiac arrest

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Including jamun in your diet is sure to help strengthen your immunity and boost stamina

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Jamun's diuretic properties reduces digestive issues. Also it flushes toxins out of the body

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