How Junk Food Rewires Your Brain

By: Niharika Khurana

Image: Pexels

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Ever wondered why you can't stop craving junk food? It's not just about taste—it's brain chemistry! Discover how unhealthy eating messes with your mind.

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Junk Food Hacks Your
Brain's Reward System

Sugary, fatty foods trigger dopamine, the “feel-good” chemical. But over time, your brain needs more junk to feel the same pleasure, making cravings stronger!

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Makes You Impulsive &
Easily Distracted

Junk food weakens the brain's control centre, the prefrontal cortex. This makes resisting unhealthy snacks harder and lowers your ability to focus and plan.

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Inflammation Damages
Brain Cells

Processed foods flood your brain with inflammation, harming memory and learning. This can make you feel hungrier, leading to overeating and weight gain.

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Shrinks Your Brainpower

Too much sugar and fat dull the hippocampus, the brain's learning hub. Memory worsens, and you struggle to retain new information like a foggy, sluggish mind.

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Can Lead to Mood Swings
& Depression

Junk food slows neurogenesis—the birth of new brain cells. Fewer neurons can trigger mood dips, anxiety, and even depression, locking you in a junk food cycle.

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Bonus: Fight Back with Brain-Boosting Foods!

Swap junk for brain fuel! Antioxidants and exercise can repair damage, sharpen memory, and keep your brain firing on all cylinders.

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