How To Determine The Freshness Of Eggs

By: Somdatta Saha

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For the longest, people thought eggs don't go stale, and bought them in dozens whenever needed. In reality, it is exactly the opposite. Eggs too go bad and here's how to find it.

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Why Eggs Go Stale?

Eggs store various essential nutrients, which over time, lose their potency. This condition makes it a favourable ground for the growth of microorganisms.

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Side Effects Of Rotten Eggs

Microorganisms growing on rotten eggs increase the risks of diarrhoea, food poisoning, stomach issues, and more.

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Tests To Spot Rotten Eggs

Let's take our safety measures a step ahead and show you how to test the quality of eggs at home.

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1. Float Test

Take a container filled with water and carefully place an egg in it. If you see it getting submerged, then understand the egg is good to go.

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2. Spot Test

Crack open a raw egg. If you find red spotting on the yolk or any kind of discolouration, then understand that you need to discard it.

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3. Sniff Test

If the cracked eggs don't have a neutral odour or you get a strong sulfurous smell, then it's time to throw them off.

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4. Hearing Test

Take a raw egg close to your ears and shake well. If you get to hear something liquid-y swooshing around, then the egg has gone bad.

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5. Sight Test

After cracking open a raw egg, if you find any kind of abnormality in the texture, then understand that it might be a sign of mold.

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Find here the tips to store eggs properly.

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