How To Get More Juice Out Of Lemons

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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When life gives you summer, grab some lemons and make lemonade! Lemons are refreshing and loaded with vitamin C. Squeeze lemon juice on salads, dals, poha and whatnot!

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If you use lemons regularly in your recipes, here are some easy and effective hacks to help you get more juice out of those lemons.

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1. Place Lemons In Warm Water

Place the lemons in a bowl of warm water for about 20-30 minutes. The warm water loosens the stiff outer layer, resulting in more juice.

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2. Roll Lemons Before Cutting

Take a whole lemon and roll it hard against the surface of the slab to loosen it. This will help you extract more juice easily.

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3. Heat Lemons In Microwave

The simplest way to get more juice out without working hard is to heat the whole lemons in a microwave for about 10 to 15 seconds.

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4. Cut Lemon Lengthwise

Cutting the lemon from top to bottom gives a larger amount of surface area that has a chance of producing more juice.

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5. Use The Tines Of Fork

Cut the lemon in half and insert the tines of a fork into the pulp. The pressure and sharp tines pierce the membranes, releasing more juice.

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For Expert Tips To Choose Perfect Lemons, Click Here

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