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How To Get Rid Of Flies In The Kitchen 

Safety First

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Want to keep your kitchen safe from those bugging flies and creepy cockroaches? Check out these tips

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Bay leaves are considered to be the best home remedy to keep your kitchen safe from flies. So, always keep bay leaves at the corners of the cabinets

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Keep At Bay

Sprinkle The Spice

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Cinnamon powder works pretty well to keep those infectious diseases away. So, sprinkle some powder at the corners of your kitchen

Stop The Contamination

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Chop some onions and mix with baking soda, then keep the mix at the corners of your kitchen to create a safe zone

Natural Repellent

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For cleaning the corners of the kitchen pipes, mix apple cider vinegar and baking soda and prepare natural repellent

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Last and most important, always wash utensils before and after cooking or serving

Wash, Wash, Wash

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