How To Make A Delicious Butter Board

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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If you love charcuterie boards, you have got to try the latest food trend - butter boards. These look fantastic and work great as an appetizer at parties.

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What is a butter board?

A large board is smeared with butter and topped with herbs and veggies for a simple yet fancy appetizer. Let's learn how to make one.

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Step 1

Take a clean, large board and cover it with a thick layer of softened butter. 

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Step 2 

If you use unsalted butter then sprinkle some salt over the butter. Also, add some citrus zest to add more flavour.

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Step 3

Time for toppings! Add your favourite herbs, finely chopped veggies, ground spices, toasted nuts, chilli oil and honey.

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Image Credit: Pexels

Step 4

Serve your custom butter board with crusty warm bread and crackers. Enjoy!

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For Tips To Make Chocolate Charcuterie Board, Click Here

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