How To Make
Desi Ghee
At Home

By: Somdatta Saha

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Ghee is considered a superfood and a part of our daily diet. Here we got you an easy recipe to make desi ghee at home.

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1. Boil Milk

Bring around two litres of cow milk to boil, and leave it to cool for 4-5 hours.

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2. Remove Malai

This forms a thick layer of malai on the top, which you need to remove and keep aside.

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3. Repeat The Process

Keep collecting the layered cream for 5-6 days. Refrigerate the cream collected every day.

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4. Add Water To Malai

Take the cream, add double the quantity of water, mix, and whip till a froth floats on top.

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5. Heat On Low Flame

Separate the froth and heat it on low flame till the fat separates into ghee. Strain and store.

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To know if ghee is better than butter or not

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