How To Make Perfect Matar Kachoris

By: Payal

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Kachoris are a crowd favourite, & matar kachoris are no exception. But getting that perfect batch at home can be tricky. Here are some foolproof tips to help you nail it every time.

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1. Steamy Peas

Start by steaming your peas just right. Once they're soft, mash them up and give them a quick sizzle in some oil with your favourite spices.

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2. Add Gram Flour

If your pea stuffing is getting too sticky, mix in some roasted gram flour. It soaks up excess moisture and helps bind everything together.

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3. Stuffing Sensibility

Keep your stuffing smooth and consistent-no chunky peas allowed. This ensures every bite of your kachori is evenly spiced and delicious.

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3. Add Ghee to the Dough

Mix ghee or oil when you're kneading the dough. This adds a crunch to your kachoris & makes the dough easier to roll. Let it rest for about 15 min.

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4. Cool Filling

Always make sure your pea filling is completely cooled before stuffing it into your kachoris. Hot filling can make the dough soggy & mess up your crispiness.

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6. Oil Temperature

For that perfect crispiness, heat your oil until it's hot, then lower the temperature before frying your kachoris.

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