How To Make Tomato Powder

By: Niharika Khurana

Image: Pexels

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Chopping tomatoes every day is a hassle. Make tomato powder once, and you will always have a quick way to add rich tomato flavour to your favourite dishes!

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Step 1 - Buy in Bulk

Grab 2-3 kg of fresh tomatoes. They shrink as they dry, so starting with more ensures you have enough powder to last for months!

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Step 2 - Wash and Dry

Give the tomatoes a good rinse. Pat them dry and let them air dry at room temperature. Stick to firm ones — overripe tomatoes will not work as well.

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Step 3 - Slice Thinly

Cut them into thin slices for faster drying. Spread them out on a tray, making sure they are not overlapping for even dehydration.

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Step 4 - Sun Dry or Bake

Sun-dry for 1-2 weeks, covering them with a cloth. In a hurry? Bake them in the oven until they are completely dry and crisp.

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Step 5 - Blend into Powder

Grind the dried slices into a fine powder. Sieve it to remove any lumps, and you will have a smooth, flavour-packed tomato powder.

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Step 6 - Store and Use

Keep it in an airtight container in a dry place. It stays fresh for 4-5 months and instantly boosts any dish — no chopping, no cooking, just pure tomato goodness!

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To know about tomato based Indian curries, click below:

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