Make Infused Water For Summer Hydration

By: Niharika Khurana

Image: Pexels

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Ditch sugary drinks and embrace the goodness of infused water! Fresh, flavourful, and packed with nutrients, this DIY summer sip will keep you cool and nourished.

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Get Creative with Ingredients

From zesty citrus and juicy berries to mint and spices, play around with flavours to craft your own refreshing hydration potion.

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Mash for Magic

Chop your fruits and veggies, then gently crush them to unleash their natural juices and vibrant flavours. It's the secret to a tastier drink!

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Herbs & Spices Twist

Bruise mint leaves or drop in cinnamon sticks to unlock their aromas. This tiny trick takes your infused water to the next level.

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Pour, Stir, and Chill

Add sparkling or filtered water, stir well and let it infuse for a few hours. The longer it sits, the more delicious it gets!

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Sip Your Way to Wellness

Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, infused water can boost metabolism, enhance skin health, and keep you energised. Hydrate like a pro this summer!

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For more such refreshing beverages, click below:

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