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Importance Of Drinking Milk For Women In 40s

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Milk is a good source of calcium. Inclusion of milk and dairy products in daily diet can improve bone and teeth health significantly

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Including low-fat or fat-free dairy in diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and lower blood pressure

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Milk is considerd to have various purifying properties with a lot of natural moisturiser. It can be used to make various home-made masks for skin which can do wonders

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Drinking milk on a regular basis boosts immune system as it is packed with multiple vitamins and nutrients, which helps in fighting diseases

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Milk also helps with mitigating hair issues. It has high quality protein, vitamins, biotin and potassium which softens hair

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Milk can also act as a digestive aid because of the presence of Vitamins D and B. It helps calcium absorption and stabilizing metabolism

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Due to the presence of tryptophan in milk, it really helps body relax. As it triggers both melatonin and serotonin

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Milk also improves one's mental health due to the presence of Vitamin D that maintains the production of serotonin

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