Interesting Ways To Enjoy Mango In Summer

By: Neha Grover

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How do you eat your favourite mango? Explore some fusion, traditional, and internationally beloved recipes to enjoy mango in fun and flavourful ways this summer.

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1. Mango Salsa

Need a swift snack with a burst of flavour? Mango salsa, perfect with chips or nachos, is your go-to. Whipping it up takes merely 10 minutes.

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2. Mango Chia Pudding

Indulge guilt-free with mango chia pudding, a blend of health and taste. This light yet fulfilling meal is ready in just 5 minutes.

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3. Mango Iced Tea

Quench your thirst with a twist this summer—sip on mango iced tea, a refreshing fusion of tradition and creativity.

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4. Mango Rice

Transport your taste buds to Thailand with mango rice, a divine dessert of sweet mango, sticky rice, and creamy coconut milk.

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5. Mango Salad

Add mangoes to your salad or explore Southeast Asia's Kerabu Mangga. This salad is a mix of mangoes, onions, chillies and lemongrass.

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For Our Mango Recipes, Click Here

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