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Making Popsicles From Fruits

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Fruit popsicles are tasty and refreshing but buying them from a store is not a very good idea as they can be loaded with sugar, fructose corn syrup, and artificial flavours

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Making popsicles at home is easy. Fruit purees are great for making fruity pops and yogurt is good for making creamy pops

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Ripe or even slightly overripe fruit is best for popsicles. You can supplement fruit's sweetness with honey, agave nectar, maple syrup or sugar if needed

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The first step is to add pieces of the fruit of your choice, lemon juice, honey, and salt in a blender. Blend until smooth. Add more sweetener if required

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Pour this fruit puree into popsicle molds and place them in freezer for at least four hours. Your delicious and healthy popsicles will get ready

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To make multi-flavoured popsicles, pour equal quantities of a single flavour into the molds. Freeze this first layer for at least two hours. After that, pour the second flavour on top of the first one. Freeze for another four hours

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