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Menopause Setting In? Switch To This Diet

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Green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium, which are needed to maintain strong bones and prevent osteoporosis common during menopause

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Dairy products are rich in calcium and Vitamin D, which maintain bone density and improve sleep quality

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Flax and chia seeds are useful in preventing heart diseases in
post-menopausal women. They also regulate estrogen levels in the body

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Consumption of fish which is rich
in Omega-3. Can ease certain
menopausal symptoms such as
low mood and hot flushes

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Decline in estrogen levels during menopause can lead to to Vitamin D deficiency. Consumption of eggs is the best option in such a case. They are a good source of iron and Vitamin D

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The presence of high fiber content
in Broccoli makes it one of the essential food items to be added in the diet of menopausal women. It takes care of the bloating issues as well

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Whole grains are very effective in regulating energy levels and improving metabolism. They also reduce cholesterol levels

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Berries have proven beneficial in improving brain health and also in stress management in menopausal women

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