Must-Know Hacks To Peel Almonds Quickly

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Peeling almonds can often present quite a challenge. To help you out, we have complied a list of smart hacks that will make peeling almonds a breeze every time.

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1. Boiling Method

Boil the almonds and then transfer them to a bowl of ice-cold water. The sudden shift in temperature will make peeling easier.

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2. Soaking Method

If you're not in a hurry, consider soaking the almonds overnight. The next morning, you'll find that the skins come off easily. 

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3. Rolling Method

Arrange the almonds on a kitchen towel, fold it over, and apply pressure as you roll them back and forth. The pressure will help peel off the skin.

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4. Microwave Method

Place a damp kitchen towel in the microwave, arrange the almonds on it, and cover with another damp cloth. Microwave for 10 seconds.

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5. Freeze And Squeeze Method

Place your almonds in the freezer for sometime. Once chilled, place them between kitchen towels and gently apply pressure.

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