How To Make Panchamrit At Home

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Panchamrit is a vital part of Janmashtami pooja. It is shared among friends and family as Prasad, and is made using just five ingredients. Here is how you can whip it up at home.

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To make Panchamrit at home, you need 500 ml of milk, 1 cup curd, 1 tsp honey, 2 tsp rose water, 4 tulsi leaves, and a handful of makhanas (optional).

1. Mix Ingredients

In a clean bowl, add milk, curd, honey, and rose water. Make sure all the ingredients are fresh and pure and gently blend them smoothly.

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2. Roast Makhanas

On a skillet, take a handful of makhanas and roast them. Keep the gas flame between medium to low to make sure they don't burn. Keep stirring.

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3. Add Tulsi Leaves

Tear 4 fresh holy basil leaves and add them to the mixture. The leaves add a beautiful aroma and taste while enhancing the sacredness of the Panchamrit.

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4. Combine

Add the makhanas to the Panchamrit mixture. Offer this as a prasad during puja to your friends and family to mark the celebration.

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Image Credit: Instagram/@tanyas.bowlsandbrushes

For Janmashtami dessert recipes, click here:

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