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Tea On Empty Stomach? Know How It Hits Health

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Are you one of those who don't wake wide every morning without a cup of steaming hot tea on an empty stomach? Reconsider this habit as it may be doing more harm to you than favour

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Kickstarting your day with a cup of tea might make you feel energised and ready to take on the day, but did you know that it is silently disrupts your digestive system

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Strong antioxidants and acid present in tea adds to already present digestive acids and further causes stomach irritation leading to bloating and acid reflux

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Sometimes, the reason behind headache might be the tea itself rather than being the cure. The caffeine content can trigger nausea and headache when taken on empty stomach

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Tea is diuretic in nature. Spending a night without fluids and drinking tea first thing you wake up, may cause dehydration as your body does not get enough water

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Presence of caffeine and tannins makes it hard for your body to absorb iron and other nutrients from the food you eat. It's best to have limited cups of tea in your day

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There are several alternatives to tea if you simply cannot go without one, such as trying herbal and green tea which has less caffeine and lactose

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Herbal and green tea help soothe your system and provide anti-bacterial and health benefits

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