Protein Breakfast Ideas For Weight Loss

By: Neha Grover

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Protein provides strength and energy, while facilitating weight loss. Start your day with these protein-rich breakfast options. 

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1. Oatmeal

Fuel your day with fibre-rich oatmeal, keeping hunger at bay and aiding weight loss with slow-release carbs. Don't forget to add fruits, nuts and seeds to it.

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2. Eggs

Kickstart your morning with boiled, poached, or steamed eggs, packed with protein for weight management.

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3. Moong Dal Chilla

Whip up a protein-packed moong dal chilla, customisable with paneer and greens, aiding weight loss effectively.

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4. Poha

Nutrient-dense poha offers healthy carbs, protein, and fewer calories. Add peanuts to give it more protein and a delightful crunch.

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5. Daliya

Stay fuller longer with high-fibre, protein-rich daliya, boosting metabolism and regulating weight-regulating hormones.

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6. Sprouts

Elevate protein intake with legume-based sprouts like lentils and kidney beans, fulfilling daily protein needs for weight management.

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More Breakfast Recipes:

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