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Going Vegan? Here's High Protein Food List For You 

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It's believed that vegetarian or vegan diets don't contain enough protein. But that's not true. They can also get protein from just plant sources

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One best whole protein source for vegans is 'tofu'. It is prepared by coagulating soy milk. Apart from protein, Tofu is also a good source of iron and calcium

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'Lentils' are a brilliant source of protein and fiber. In addition, lentils are rich in folate, manganese, and iron

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Kidney beans are one of the most important sources of protein. Other types of beans, such as chickpeas, also have high protein content

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Hemp seeds contain nine grams of protein in each three-tablespoon serving. They are also a rich source of magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, and selenium

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Green peas contain nearly nine grams of protein per cooked cup (160 grams). A single serving covers more than 25 pc of your daily fiber and Vitamin A, C, K needs

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