Quick Fixes For Common Cooking Mistakes

By: Somdatta Saha

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What do you do when your food gets burnt or oversalted? Toss the food? Here are some smart ways to revive your meals instantly.

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1. Prevent Over Salting

Add 1 tbsp of curd to your curry and cook it. It will add a subtle taste, as well as reduce the amount of salt from it.

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2. Reduce Spiciness

Just make medium-sized round dough balls and put them into the dish; this specifically works well for curries.

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3. Reduce Excess Haldi

Diluting some coconut milk in your curry, with extra haldi, can balance out the flavours and reduce pungency.

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4. Prevent Mushy Rice

The easiest way to fix it is by draining all the excess water. Use a sieve or a colander to do this.

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5. Prevent Burnt Butter

To increase the smoke point and prevent it from burning, add a splash of oil to the pan before melting the butter.

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For more such tips to reduce cooking mistakes

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