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Side Effects Of Raw Eggs

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Eggs are considered to be the healthiest option for breakfast. Adding them to your meal can benefit your health. But do you know, eating raw eggs can have side effects?

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Including raw eggs in your diet may lead to some severe allergies such as digestive issues, skin rashes, breathlessness, diarrhea and much more 

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Raw eggs contain salmonella. It is a bacteria usually found at the outer and inner part of raw eggs. This leads may affect the intestinal tract and make you sick

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Raw eggs have a tendency to produce heat in our body. It can cause indigestion, discomfort and bowel problems

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Excessive consumption of everything is bad. So if you love eating raw eggs, you must limit your consumption as it can affect your kidney

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The protein named ‘avidin' in raw egg binds to biotin in the small intestine and prevents its absorption

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