Simple Tips To Keep Your Bhindi Fresh And Crisp

By: Payal

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Bhindi (okra) is a crowd favourite, thanks to its tasty goodness. But the secret to keeping it fresh starts right when you buy it. Check out these easy tips to make sure your Bhindi stays in top shape.

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1. Pick the Right Bhindi

The key to fresh Bhindi? Don't go for ones that feel too soft or look too seedy. Just give them a gentle squeeze to check their freshness.

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2. Size and Colour Are Important

Smaller, dark green Bhindi is usually fresher and less sticky. Keep an eye out for those!

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3. Keep Moisture Away

Wrap your Bhindi in a dry cloth and pop it into an airtight container. This helps lock out moisture and stops it from going bad.

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4. Fridge Storage Done Right

When refrigerating, ditch the plastic bag and switch to a vegetable bag instead. Lining the veggie drawer with paper towels can soak up any extra moisture.

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5. Keep It Away From Other Veggies

Never store Bhindi with other fruits or veggies. Its moisture can mess up the other items and cause them to spoil faster.

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